The Clock de Christian Marclay [1/2] – treize années de commentaires et une bibliographie
The Clock est un montage vidéo d’une durée de 24 heures réalisé en 2010 par l’artiste américano-suisse Christian Marclay. L’œuvre est constituée de milliers d’extraits de films de cinéma et d’émissions de télévision. Au long de la projection, chaque scène comporte une indication de l’heure qui s’affiche sur des montres, pendules, horloges, réveils, carillons, alarmes, etc. Parfois, ce sont les personnages à l’écran qui annoncent l’heure. L’heure donnée dans la scène coïncide toujours avec l’heure de la projection ; lorsqu’une heure s’affiche dans le film, il est exactement cette même heure pour le spectateur. Le montage des séquences semble dérouler un temps fictif identique au temps réel. La progression de l’heure à l’écran permet donc de considérer le montage dans son ensemble comme une sorte d’horloge.
Conçu comme une installation d’art contemporain, le film est projeté régulièrement dans les musées qui ont acheté le droit de le diffuser. Marclay demande que le film ne soit pas projeté dans des salles de cinéma mais dans des pièces spécialement aménagées des institutions muséales, permettant la projection en continu et sans interruptions durant plusieurs jours.
Entre 2010 et 2022, le film a été projeté une quarantaine de fois dans le monde entier1.
Une avalanche de commentaires et une bibliographie
Quatre ans seulement après la première projection de The Clock à Londres, l’écrivain et théoricien du cinéma Raymond Bellour estime déjà que l’œuvre a provoqué un “tsunami critique” ; elle a été beaucoup commentée, “presque surcommentée”2. Depuis, à chaque projection, de nouveaux commentaires sont publiés dans la presse artistique comme dans les pages culturelles de la presse généraliste. Par ailleurs, l’œuvre a également été étudiée dès 2011 dans des articles académiques, puis dans des mémoires universitaires, des thèses, des monographies spécialisées.
Comment s’y retrouver dans cette avalanche de commentaires et de critiques ? Quelles ont été les opinions les plus intéressantes à propos de cette œuvre, les principales interprétations qu’elle a suscitées ? Comment suivre l’évolution de sa réception sur ces treize années ?
Pour aider aux études sur The Clock et sa place dans l’art contemporain, le présent article propose une bibliographie recensant les commentaires sur l’œuvre publiés depuis 20103. Quand cela est possible, les références comportent des liens vers les documents signalés ou vers des archives des documents lorsqu’ils ne sont plus en ligne.
Conçue comme un outil de travail aussi complet que possible, la liste est longue. Il s’agit probablement de l’une des bibliographies les plus volumineuses concernant une œuvre d’art contemporaine, et son ampleur témoigne déjà de l’attention extraordinaire qu’elle a reçue. Bien entendu, toutes les références mentionnées ne sont pas d’égales valeurs. Pourtant, même celles qui sont très courtes et semblent anodines sont indispensables pour travailler sur la réception de l’œuvre. Ainsi, un examen rapide montre que l’installation de Marclay a presque toujours été décrite très positivement, et fréquemment avec enthousiasme. Et manifestement, d’année en année, les rédacteurs ont repris les mêmes formules élogieuses, parfois dithyrambiques. Le vocabulaire employé et le fond même de la critique changent assez peu au long des années. Les reproches existent bien sûr, mais ils sont rares et ne remettent jamais en cause le statut d’œuvre artistique d’exception. Même les articles qui relèvent les faiblesses du montage, même ceux qui constatent l’ethnocentrisme et les stéréotypes de genre dans les extraits de films choisis par Marclay, tous expriment fascination et admiration envers le ‘tour de force’4. Il faut attendre 2019 pour lire un point de vue franchement négatif sur l’œuvre5.
Les documents que l’on a estimé les plus importantes sont signalées par une flèche [ ➡ ]. En les parcourant, on constate que The Clock et la démarche de l’artiste ont provoqué des réflexions variées sur différents sujets :
- le dispositif muséal et l’artification des projections ;
- les aspects économiques de l’œuvre : comment sa création a-t-elle été financée ? comment est-elle achetée ? combien coûte-t-elle ?
- sa réception par la critique d’art et par le grand public ;
- des considérations sur le temps, sur le cinéma et la cinéphilie, parfois même de véritables ‘méditations’ ;
- la signification (ou non) des récurrences de films, d’actrices ou d’acteurs dans le montage ;
- les qualités esthétiques différentes des extraits choisis pour composer l’œuvre ;
- des discussions sur la place de l’œuvre dans l’histoire des mashups cinématographiques ;
- les descriptions d’œuvres influencées par The Clock ou qui s’en inspirent : autres montages vidéos, performances artistiques, romans, autofictions, programmes informatiques ;
- des analyses formelles sur le montage en continu, les transitions, les changements de rythmes le long de la journée, les alternances d’univers cinématographiques simultanés et parallèles, sur le travail du son, etc.
Une étude approfondie à partir de cette bibliographie permettrait de préciser les principaux sujets évoqués, de résumer les arguments essentiels pour chacun d’entre eux, et de comprendre l’évolution (lente) des avis et critiques sur l’œuvre.
Un prochain article sera consacré à deux sujets qui sont liées : la dissimulation des sources filmiques de The Clock et la question de l’appropriation artistique. Cet article s’appuiera bien évidemment sur un choix de documents référencés dans la présente bibliographie.
La bibliographie est organisée en six sections :
- Annonces et documents d’institutions muséales
- Articles de magazines, journaux, blogs
- Articles académiques
- Thèses, mémoires universitaires
- Monographies
- Entretiens avec Christian Marclay
Dans chaque section, les références sont classées par années de parution, de façon à suivre la chronologie des projections. Le classement suit ensuite l’ordre alphabétique des auteurs.
The Clock de Christian Marclay
une bibliographie
Annonces et documents d’institutions muséales
- [White Cube] Christian Marclay – The Clock, 15 October – 13 November 2010, White Cube Mason’s Yard
- ➡ Leader, Darian (text), Christian Marclay: The Clock, White Cube, London, UK, [distributor] Art Data, 2010 [1440 stills from the whole of Marclay’s film, with two stills shown per page]
- [Garage] Christian Marclay. The Clock, 24 February to 25 April 2011, Garage Center for Contemporary Art, Moscow, Russia
- [IMJ], Christian Marclay, The Clock (2010), August 23 2011 – October 22 2011, Curator(s): Suzanne Landau, The Israel Museum, Jerusalem, s. d. [2011]
- Kim, Christine Y., New Acquisition: Christian Marclay, The Clock, LACMA, The Los Angeles County Museum of Art, April 19, 2011
- [LACMA, The Los Angeles County Museum of Art], LACMA Presents 24 Hour Screening of Newly Acquired Artwork,, May 9, 2011
- [LACMA, The Los Angeles County Museum of Art], Marclay Marathon: 24 Hours of The Clock–Today!, May 16, 2011
- [MFA, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston], The Clock – Christian Marclay, September 16–December 31, 2011
- Paula Cooper Gallery [Press release], Christian Marclay – The Clock, January 21 – February 19, 2011, s. d. [2011]
- Kent, Rachel, Christian Marclay: The Clock, Museum of Contemporary Art Australia (MCA), 29 March 2012 – 3 June 2013
- Kunsthaus Zürich Press release, Kunsthaus Zürich presents ‘Christian Marclay. The Clock’, Kunsthaus Zürich, August 23, 2012
Archivé sur au format PDF - [The Power Plant], The Clock, Christian Marclay, Sep 14 – Nov 25 2012, The Power Plant Contemporary Art Centre, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, s. d. [2012]
- [MoMA, The Museum of Modern Art, New York], Christian Marclay — The Clock, Dec 21, 2012 – Jan 21, 2013
- Smith, Zadie (text) & Marclay, Christian (artworks), The Clock, Published on the occasion of the exhibition ‘Christian Marclay: The Clock’, Museum of Contemporary Art Australia, 29 March – 3 June 2012, Sydney: Museum of Contemporary Art, 2012
[reprise de l’article de Zadie Smith, “Killing Orson Welles at Midnight” (The Clock, a film by Christian Marclay), New York Review of Books, April 28, 2011] - SFMOMA [San Francisco Museum of Modern Art] Presents Christian Marclay’s 24-Hour Cinematic Masterpiece The Clock, San Francisco Premiere of Globally Celebrated Work Will Help Count Down Museum’s Launch into Off-site Phase during Expansion Construction, Exhibition dates: April 06 – June 02, 2013, Release date: November 1, 2012
Archivé sur - Stromberg, Joseph, A 24-Hour Movie That May Be the Biggest (and Best) Supercut Ever – Christian Marclay’s The Clock, now on view at MoMA, puts YouTube mashup artists to shame, Smithsonian Magazine, December 28, 2012
- [Tate], Press Release 3 February 2012, Tate, Centre Pompidou and Israel Museum jointly acquire Christian Marclay’s The Clock
- The Wexner Center for the Arts at the Ohio State University (Columbus, Ohio), Christian Marclay’s The Clock,, December 9, 2012
- Rynor, Becky, Set Your Watch By It: The Clock, National Gallery of Canada, October 15, 2013
- SFMOMA [San Francisco Museum of Modern Art], Artcast May 2013: The Clock [podcast]
- Winnipeg Art Gallery, Christian Marclay: The Clock, October 11, 2013 to January 5, 2014, Organized by the National Gallery of Canada
Archivé sur
- [Centre Pompidou], « The Clock » de Christian Marclay, 17 mai – 2 juillet 2014, Dépliant de l’exposition, Centre Pompidou, 2014
- [Guggenheim Museum Bilbao], Christian Marclay: The Clock, 03.06.2014 – 05.18.2014
Dossier de presse (format PDF) - [MACM, Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal], Christian Marclay: The Clock, 22 février 2014 – 20 avril 2014, Exposition organisée par le Musée des beaux-arts du Canada
- [Paris Art], The Clock, 17 Mai – 02 Juil 2014, Centre Pompidou Paris, Vernissage Samedi 17 mai 2014, Paris Art
- [Paris Art], The Clock, 04 Juil – 15 Sep 2014, Centre Pompidou-Metz, Vernissage le 04 Juil 2014, Paris Art
- [SALT Beyoğlu, Istanbul], The Clock – Christian Marclay, May 9 – May 25, 2014, With support from SAHA
- Siri Engberg and Sheryl Mousley [Walker coordinating curators], Christian Marclay: The Clock, Walker Art Center, Minneapolis, June 14–August 24, 2014
- [Art Gallery of Alberta], The Clock: Christian Marclay, February 13 – April 12, 2015
- Williams, Gilda, A Mouthful of Imagery: Why Onomatopoeia in the Art of Christian Marclay [for Kunsthaus Aargauer, Exhibition Catalogue], 2015
- Zimonjic, Peter, The Clock, une réflexion sur la notion du temps, Musée des Beaux-Arts du Canada, 13 février 2015 (également en anglais)
- [CACNO, Contemporary Arts Center New Orleans], Christian Marclay’s The Clock, November 10–December 4, 2016
Archivé sur - [MFA, Museum of Fine Arts, Boston], Christian Marclay: The Clock, September 17, 2016–January 29, 2017
- [Copenhagen Contemporary], Christian Marclay – The Clock, 01.06.2017 – 03.09.2017
- [IMS Paulista], The Clock, de Christian Marclay, IMS Paulista [Instituto Moreira Salles, São Paulo], 20 de setembro a 19 de novembro 2017 (en portugais)
- Espada, Heloisa, The Clock, de Christian Marclay, IMS Paulista [Instituto Moreira Salles, São Paulo], 15 de setembro 2017 (en portugais)
- Pellizzari, Daniel, Oito horas de relógio, IMS Paulista [Instituto Moreira Salles, São Paulo], 29 de setembro 2017 (en portugais)
- [Tel Aviv Museum of Art], Christian Marclay: The Clock, Curation Suzanne Landau, 20/2/2018 – 30/6/2018
- [Tate Modern, London], Christian Marclay: The Clock, 14 September 2018 – 20 January 2019, A mesmerising masterpiece of contemporary art
- [Tate Modern, London], Five Ways Christian Marclay’s The Clock does more than just tell the time, s.d. [2018]
- [Tate Modern, London], Where Does Time go? – Discover the making of The Clock and hear from a range of people sharing their experiences of time (podcast), s.d. [2018]
- [ACMI, Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne], Christian Marclay: The Clock, 23 Jan – 11 Mar 2019
Archivé sur - [ACMI, Australian Centre for the Moving Image, Melbourne], How to see the most of The Clock, March 6, 2019
- Ross, Eloise, “What’s the time?” – Melbourne Cinémathèque’s Eloise Ross explores the cinematic influences in Christian Marclay’s ‘The Clock’ and how it makes us consider time, Acmi [Australian Centre for the Moving Image], January 31, 2019
- [The Polygon Gallery, North Vancouver, Canada], The Clock – Christian Marclay – Extended!, July 5, 2019 — September 22, 2019
Press release May 8, 2019 (format PDF)
- [Fondation PLAZA et MAMCO, Musée d’art moderne et contemporain, Genève], The Clock – Christian Marclay, 25 juin au 18 juillet 2021
- [Luma Arles], Christian Marclay : The Clock, du 26 juin 2021 au 20 mars 2022
Articles de magazines, journaux, blogs
- [Art Observed], Don’t Miss-London: Christian Marclay “The Clock” at White Cube through November 13, 2010, Art Observed, November 12th, 2010
- [artlyst], Christian Marclay – The Clock, 15 October 2010 – 13 November 2010,, s. d. [2010]
Archivé sur - Black Box Project 1, Christian Marclay, <What You See Is What You Hear>, [Corée], December 9, 2010 (en coréen)
Traduction française vie Google Translate - [The Economist], Slave To The Rhythm – As part of The Economist’s artists at work series, we visit Christian Marclay, a conceptual artist on deadline…, From The Economist online,, August 26, 2010
Archivé sur - GertiesGirl, The Clock by Christian Marclay, Walk to Free Art London, 15 November 2010
- Hubbard, Sue, Light and Time: James Turrell at Gagosian and Christian Marclay’s The Clock at White Cube, Masons’s Yard, 3 Quarks Daily, November 8, 2010 [également sur le blog de Sue Hubbard]
- Jones, Alice, The Diary: Alan Partridge; Jesse Eisenberg; Nick Relph; Wonderland; Christian Marclay’s The Clock, The Independant, Friday 12 November 2010
- [Lenot, Marc] Lunettes Rouges, Quelle heure est-il ? et autres galeries londoniennes, Lunettes Rouges, 27 octobre 2010
- Min, Ines, Marclay brings 24-hour clock to Leeum, The Korea Times, December 7, 2010
- Moon So-young, Little black boxes invade museums’ white spaces, December 28, 2010
- Park Min-young, Hard work never betrays: Marclay’s media art at Leeum, Korea Herald, December 20, 2010
- Rittenbach, Kari, Christian Marclay. The Clock, Domus, 10 November 2010
- Romney, Jonathan, At White Cube Mason’s Yard – Jonathan Romney · ‘The Clock’, London Review of Books, November 5, 2010
- Street, Ben [art historian, lecturer, writer], Christian Marclay’s ‘The Clock’, Art21 Magazine, November 1, 2010 (également sur le blog de Ben Street)
- Taylor, Rebecca, Christian Marclay Conquers Times, HuffPost, October 28, 2010
- Teasdale, Paul, Christian Marclay’s ‘The Clock’: Live!, Frieze Magazine, November 15, 2010
Archivé sur
- Adams, James, National Gallery acquires ‘maybe the greatest film you have ever seen’, The Globe and Mail, May 3, 2011
Archivé sur - [art 925], “the clock” by christian marclay @ the venice biennale, art 925, September 4, 2011
- [artdaily], Christian Marclay’s The Clock Winner of Golden Lion Prize at 2011 Venice Biennale, [Jose Villarreal], s. d. [2011]
- [artinfo], Marclay’s “Clock” Achieves “Star Wars” Status, Meet the Next Crop of PS1 Young Architects, and More Must-Read Art News,, February 17, 2011
Archivé sur - [artlyst], Christian Marclay The Clock Turner Prize Contender?,, 19 February 2011
- [artmap], Christian Marclay – The Clock – 24 Feb – 25 Apr 2011, artmap, s. d. [2011]
- [Artribune], Leoni a braccetto: in occasione della Mostra del Cinema, la Biennale Arte propone la 24 ore di The Clock, l’opera del Leone d’oro Christian Marclay, Artribune, 30 Agosto 2011 (en italien)
- Balhetchet, Sophie and Schiff, Amanda, Christian Marclay: The Clock, HotShoe International, Issue 170, February-March 2011
- Bernard, Christian et Mavridorakis, Valérie, Christian Marclay, The Clock, 20 octobre 2011. Publié dans : Art Press 2, Paris, Chefs-d’œuvre du XXIᵉ siècle, trimestriel n° 23, novembre-décembre-janvier 2012, pp. 8-15
- Blanchet, Elisabeth, Hayward Gallery – Le “nouvel” art contemporain britannique s’expose à Londres,, vendredi 11 mars 2011
- Blodgett, Lucy, Christian Marclay’s ‘The Clock’ at LACMA, HuffPost, May 17, 2011
- Bradshaw, Peter, Christian Marclay’s The Clock: A Masterpiece of Our Times, The Guardian Film Blog, April 7, 2011
Repris dans : Bradshaw, Peter, The Films That Made Me… Essays and Reviews from The Guardian, Bloomsbury Caravel, 2019 - Brennanr, Christian Marclay’s The Clock, IFA Contemporary, February 24, 2011
- Burns, Charlotte, Coming soon? Movie montage for LA, The Art Newspaper, n° 223, April 2011
- Cash, Stephanie, But where did the time go?, ARTnews, February 22, 2011
- Chayka, Kyle, Why Are So Many Museums Buying Christian Marclay’s “The Clock”?,, May 5, 2011
- Cohen, David, You Can’t Beat The Clock: Christian Marclay at Paula Cooper, artcritical – the online magazine of art and ideas, February 5, 2011
- Coleman, Caryn, Tick Tock: Christian Marclay’s “The Clock” at BAS7, The Girl Who Knew Too Much, 7 March, 2011
- Columb, Simon, ‘The Clock’ by Christian Marclay, Screen Insight – Writing by Simon Columb, March 13, 2011
- Cooper, Arnie, Film Clips of Clocks Round Out 24-Hour Video, Wired, Nov 1, 2011
- Curry, Adrian, Movie Poster of the Week: “The Big Clock”, Mubi – Notebook Column, 25 févr. 2011
- Davis, Ben, Meditations on Christian Marclay’s The Clock,, February 18, 2011
Archive link by Ben Davis, format PDF - Denson, G. Roger, Christian Marclay’s The Clock: In Search for the Epiphany of Parody, HuffPost, February 11, 2011 [Cultural critic published with Parkett, Art in America, Bijutsu Techo and Duke U’s Cultural Politics]
- [dfood], Christian Marclay’s ‘The Clock’,, March 7, 2011
- Di Paolo, Anna Maria, 54 Biennale di Venezia. “The Clock” di Christian Marclay All’Arsenale, Arte a cura di Anna Maria Di Paolo – Arte Moderna e Contemporanea, June 8, 2011 (en italien)
- Dumousseaux, Nezumi, The Clock, Wiki de Nezumi Dumousseaux, 3 octobre 2011
- Edgers, Geoff, All day and night, film at MFA will be right on time, The Boston Globe, May 4, 2011
- Finkel, Jori, LACMA acquires ‘The Clock’ by Christian Marclay and a sculpture by Ai Weiwei through annual collecting event, Los Angeles Times, April 18, 2011
- Fishko, Sara, Fishko Files: The Clock,, February 15, 2011
- Fowler, Christopher, Clockwatching – London, The Arts,, 14th April 2011
- Goddard, Peter, The Venice Biennale: The Clock rules, The Toronto Star, June 9, 2011
- Goldenberg, Jamie, Christian Marclay’s The Clock at Paula Cooper,, February 16, 2011
- Goldman, Edward, In a Dark Room. Intoxicated., HuffPost, Jun 10, 2011, Updated Dec 6, 2017
- Goldstein, Andrew M. and Halperin, Julia, Rundown of the Winners of the Golden and Silver Lions at the 54th Venice Biennale, Artinfo, June 6, 2011
Archivé sur - Gopnik, Blake, The Clock: Christian Marclay’s All-Night Art Sensation in New York, The Daily, February 9, 2011, updated July 13, 2017
Archivé sur - Gopnik, Blake, The 10 Most Important Artists of Today [section : The Picasso of the moving image, the Leonardo of sound], Newsweek, June 5, 2011
- Haber John, Time Is on Their Side – Christian Marclay: The Clock, Leslie Thornton and Stephen Vitiello, Haber’s Arts, s. d. [2011]
- ➡ Hinrichsen, Jens, Christoph Girardet über Remix-Kultur – Ist Christian Marclays ‘The Clock’ ein Plagiat?, Monopol – Magazine für Kunst und Leben, Oktober 10, 2011 (en allemand)
- Houcke, Anne-Violaine, The Clock around the Corner, Critikat, 6 septembre 2011
- Hudson, David, “The Clock,” “Frankenstein,” Bogart, More, Notebook – Our Daily International Film Publication, February 6, 2011
- [Les Inrockuptibles], Nuit blanche à Beaubourg : The Clock, une expérience cinématographique totale, hallucinatoire et addictive, Les Inrockuptibles, n° 823, 7 septembre 2011, p. 11
- Irvine, Lindesay, Help us to build 24 hours of fictional time, The Guardian, Fri 15 Apr 2011 [The Guardian 24-hour literary clock project]
Projet litclock archivé sur - JamieR, Christian Marclay’s ‘The Clock’, Shot Through A Window, March 20, 2011
- Johnson, Reed, For Christian Marclay, ‘The Clock’ continues to tick, Los Angeles Times, May 18, 2011
- Jones, Ann, Present Tense: Film, Cinema and the Gallery Space, MostlyFilm, April 5, 2011
- Kennedy, Randy, Flock Around ‘The Clock’, The New York Times, February 16, 2011
Archivé sur - Lacuve, Jean-Luc, The Clock – Christian Marclay – 2010, Ciné Club de Caen, le 09/06/2011
- Lesser, Wendy, Addictive Pleasures (about Christian Marclay’s The Clock), The Threepenny Review, #126, Summer 2011
- Mahon, Sophie, Christian Marclay donne l’heure au Centre Pompidou, Connaissance des Arts, le 25.08.2011
- Mazzucco, Melania, Quando il film funziona come un orologio, LaRepubblica, June 18, 2011 (en italien)
- Muñoz Molina, Antonio, Tiempo en los relojes, El Paí, February 12, 2011 (en castillan)
- [Museum Publicity], Museum of Fine Arts Boston and the National Gallery of Canada Acquire Christian Marclay’s 24-hour video The Clock, Museum Publicity, May 4, 2011
- Ng, David, Christian Marclay’s ‘The Clock’ wins Gold Lion at Venice Biennale, Los Angeles Times, June 6, 2011
- Noce, Vincent, Au film du temps, Libération, 2 septembre 2011
- Palagret, Catherine-Alice, The Clock de Christian Marclay, montage virtuose de la représentation du temps au cinéma, archéologie du futur / archéologie du quotidien, 3 septembre 2011
- [Paradelle], Timing Is Everything, Weekends in Paradelle, December 31, 2011
- Pearson, Ben, THE CLOCK is the Most Fascinating Film I’ve Ever Seen, geekTyrant, July 29, 2011
- Perl, Jed, Christian Marclay’s ‘The Clock’ Is a Sensation—And Nothing More, The New Republic, June 23, 2011
- [PRI’s Studio 360], ‘The Clock’ a 24-hour film about time, TheWorld, July 25, 2011 (podcast)
- [PrintMag], Time Is On His Side, PrintMag, June 23, 2011
- Radford, Ivan, Watching on borrowed time: Christian Marclay’s The Clock, Den of Geek, April 11, 2011
- Riley, Simon, Clock-watching, Strangers on the Shore [], April 1, 2011
- Rosas, Francisco, Christian Marclay’s The Clock, Exhibition Inquisition, Part1 : August 2, 2011; Part 2 : April 11, 2013
- Roudier, Marc, The Clock / Christian Marclay : Une expérience captivante du temps qui fuit, Inferno Magazine, 8 octobre 2011
- Ruble, Casey, Christian Marclay, ARTnews, March 28, 2011
- Russeth, Andrew, MFA Boston Plans $200 ‘Clock’-Watching Party, Observer, 08/16/2011
- Saltz, Jerry, Christian Marclay: One For The Ages,, s.d. [2011]
- Saltz, Jerry, Clockwatchers, New York Magazine, February 7, 2011
- Saltz, Jerry, Jerry Saltz On the Best Movie You Can See in New York (for Two More Days), Vulture, February 18, 2011
Archivé sur - Schaefer, Michael, The Clock by Christian Marclay, In The Clouds, January 2011
- Schjeldahl, Peter, Getting Clocked, The New Yorker, February 14 & 21, 2011
- Schmidt, Alex, ‘The Clock’: Watching A 24-Hour Film,, July 30, 2011 (podcast)
- Sinclair, Iain and Petit, Chris, The Clock – A free-associative correspondence inspired by Christian Marclay’s mesmerising film installation, Film Comment, Film Society of Lincoln Center, May-June 2011
- Ska, Time is on my Side – The Clock de Christian Marclay, 7 and 7 is, 5 septembre 2011
- Smee, Sebastian & al., Tick-tock: A watched ‘Clock’, September 20, 2011
Archivé sur - Smith, Roberta, As in Life, Timing Is Everything in the Movies, New York Times, February 3, 2011
- Smith, Roberta, Last Chance: Christian Marclay: The Clock, The New York Times, February 18, 2011
- Smith, Zadie, “Killing Orson Welles at Midnight” (The Clock, a film by Christian Marclay), New York Review of Books, April 28, 2011
Reprises :
Smith, Zadie [The New York Review of Books], Christian Marclay’s The Clock, Movie Waffle – chewing over movies, April 21, 2011
Smith, Zadie, Feel Free: Essays, Penguin Press, 2018 - Soesanto, Léo, « The Clock »: le film qui dure 24 heures chrono, Blog Les Inrocks, 5 septembre 2011
Archivé sur le 30 septembre 2011 - Spencer, Charles, One of my favourite artworks of all time – Charles Spencer urges modern art haters to visit Christian Marclay’s masterpiece, The Clock, The Telegraph, 31 January 2011
- Stromberg, David, Christian Marclay’s ‘The Clock’, The Jerusalem Post, September 22, 2011
- Taylor, Kate, Still Time to Buy ‘The Clock’ for the Right Price, The New York Times, April 20, 2011
- [The Guardian], The literary clock is ticking …, The Guardian, Thursday 21 April 2011
- Thompson, Kristin and Bordwell, David, Time piece, David Bordwell’s web site on cinema – Observations on Film Art, February 21, 2011
- [Time Out], Paula Cooper Gallery: Christian Marclay, The Clock, Time Out New York, January 27-February 2, 2011
- Toal, Drew, Christian Marclay: The Clock, TimeOut, February 10-16, 2011
- Tommaso, Isabella, Biennale 2011 / I tempi morti del cinema. The Clock di Christian Marclay, Doppiozero, 28 Luglio 2011 (en italien)
- Toop, David, Painting in Slang: Christian Marclay, The Wire, October 2011, Issue 332
Repris dans Toop, David, Inflamed Invisible: Collected Writings on Art and Sound, 1976-2018, London: Goldsmiths Press, 2019, p. 233 sq. - Velasco, David, Close-Up: Borrowed Time – David Velasco on Christian Marclay’s The Clock, Artforum, February 2011
- Vineberg, Steve, Movies and Time: Christian Marclay’s The Clock, Critics At Large, Friday, December 30, 2011
- Wagley, Catherine, Christian Marclay’s The Clock Starts Ticking at LACMA: No Lines Down the Block but 24-Hour Film is, Believe it or Not, a Crowd Pleaser, LA Weekly, May 16, 2011
- Walsh, Brienne, Time up on Marclay, ARTnews, February 18, 2011
- White, Celia, British Art Show 7: In the Days of the Comet, Studio International, March 28, 2011
- Woodward, Richard B., Twenty-Four Hour View Cycle, The Wall Street Journal, September 28, 2011
- Yablonsky, Linda, Artifacts: Tick, Tick, Tick, The New York Times – T Magazine, January 28, 2011
- Zuckerman, Jeffrey, 13 Ways of Looking at Christian Marclay’s “The Clock”, The Airship, c. 2011
- Aldredge, Michelle, Christian Marclay’s The Clock: Does the 24-Hour Artwork Live Up to the Hype?, Gwarlingo, summer 2012
- Altorfer, Sabine, Kino in Echtzeit: Christian Marclay’s «The Clock» im Kunsthaus Zürich, Tagblatt, 24.08.2012 (en allemand)
- Ammann, René, Christian Marclay – Die Zeit läuft. 41 Minuten und 10 Sekunden mit ‹The Clock›,, Kunstbulletin 9/2012 (en allemand)
- [art-in], Christian Marclay. The Clock – Ankauf und Präsentation Kunsthaus Zürich,, 20.08.2012 (en allemand)
- [Art.Base], Christian Marclay: The Clock, Art.Base, Event published by M.C.A. [Museum of Contemporary Art Australia (MCA)] on Saturday 24 March 2012
- [artdaily], MoMA presents Christian Marclay’s groundbreaking video installation “The Clock”, [Jose Villarreal], s. d. [2012]
- [], The Clock, September 14 – November 25, 2012,, s. d. [2012]
- [artsation], The Clock – Christian Marclay’s video collage at Kunsthaus Zürich,, August 21st, 2012
- ➡ Brendan O’Meara, David, The Economics of The Clock, David Brendan O’Meara Blog, October 21, 2012
- Brody, Richard, “Clock”- Watching, The New Yorker, July 31, 2012
- Burge, Susie, Christian Marclay’s The Clock: In Anticipation,, [On Thursday 29th March, Christian Marclay’s The Clock chimes a new era for Sydney’s Museum of Contemporary Art], s. d. [2012]
- Charpentier, Anne, Christian Marclay – Une leçon de cinéma, Vie des arts, n° 226, Printemps 2012
- Cummins, Louis, Christian Marclay, The Clock, Ciel variable, automne 2012
- Davies, Lucy, Christian Marclay: art’s man of the moment, The Telegraph, October 1, 2012
- Dawson, Nick, Christian Marclay’s ‘The Clock’ to Have Month-Long Winter Run at MoMA, Filmmaker, September 12, 2012
- Dyer, Geoff, 2012 TIME 100 Includes Artist Christian Marclay, Time, April 18, 2012
- ED, Le Genevois Christian Marclay dans le top 100 de « Time Magazine », La Tribune de Genève, 29.04.2012
- Ed, Christian Marclay’s The Clock – Smuggle in a Sandwich, Reprinted from For Your Art [],, 26th September 2012
- Edelstein, David and Saltz, Jerry, Ticktock Film Critic vs. Art Critic on Christian Marclay’s The Clock, New York Magazine, July 30, 2012
Reproduit sous le titre Great or Gimmick? Edelstein and Saltz Spar Over Christian Marclay’s The Clock, Vulture, July 21, 2012 - [exibart], A New York il tempo lo segna “The Clock”, l’opera che ha già ipnotizzato migliaia di persone, Exibart, 22 Giugno, 2012 (en italien)
- Fear, David, The Clock’s Christian Marclay – A visual artist’s daylong movie montage returns to chronicle the hours and the times, TimeOut, July 10, 2012
- Fishbein, Rebecca, Why The Clock Is Worth Waiting Hours For, Gothamist, December 22, 2012; Modified December 24, 2012
- [Film Comment], Time for More: The Clock Strikes Three, Film Comment Blog, Film Society of Lincoln Center, July 30, 2012
- Godbout, Jacques, The Clock : 24 heures une minute à la fois, L’actualité [Québec], 4 mai 2012
- Herman, Sasha, Punching my timecard: a weekend with Christian Marclay’s ‘The Clock’, Capital New York, July 18, 2012
Archivé sur - Holloway, Clint, Christian Marclay’s “The Clock” As Time Goes By, The Observer, December 12, 2012
- Kennedy, Maev, Tate buys timeshare in Christian Marclay’s Clock, The Guardian, February 1, 2012
- Kottke, Jason, The Twitter version of Marclay’s The Clock – Chirp Clock finds tweets containing the current time and displays them on the site,, Mar 19, 2012
- Lacey, Liam, Get ready, Canada: The Clock is about to start ticking, The Globe and Mail, February 8, 2012
Archivé sur - Lacey, Liam, My 24 hours of watching The Clock, The Globe and Mail, February 8, 2012
Archivé sur - Maillard, Pierre, The Clock, montre de l’année, Europa Star – Le temps et l’univers de l’horlogerie, 13 février 2012 (également en anglais)
- Masserey, Michel, The Clock, de Christian Marclay est présenté au Kunsthaus Zürich. Par Michel Masserey, – Les matinales d’Espace 2 – Chronique arts visuels, 29 août 2012 (podcast)
- ➡ Nickas, Bob, Komplaint Dept. – If Christian Marclay Could Put Time in a Bottle – Quite possibly the only critical piece you’ll ever read on Christian Marclay’s ‘The Clock.’, Vice, January 26, 2012
- Paquette, Danielle, Christian Marclay’s ‘The Clock’ to Screen at LACMA, MoMA, Yahoo! Entertainment, September 15, 2012
- O’Rourke, Meghan, Is “The Clock” Worth the Time?, The New Yorker, Culture Desk, July 18, 2012
- Pollack, Barbara, It’s About Time, ARTnews, July 10, 2012
- Scott, A. O., In The Clock, You Always Know the Time, The New York Times, July 16, 2012
Archivé sur - Smith, Roberta, Artwork That Runs Like Clockwork, The New York Times, June 22, 2012
Archivé sur - Steinhauer, Jillian, Six Things I Learned — and One I Didn’t — from Christian Marclay’s “The Clock”,, July 30, 2012
- Timm, Tobias, Voll auf die Zwölf – Das beliebteste Kunstwerk unserer Tage: Christian Marclays “The Clock” ist jetzt in Zürich zu sehen, Zeit Online, 30. August 2012 (en allemand)
- Tromble, Meredith, An Unfair Fight: The Clock, Clutch, and a Chainsaw, Art & Shadows – Meredith Tromble, June 30, 2012
- Turions, Cheyanne, Time and Change in Film – The time is nigh, Montecristo Magazine, December 10, 2012
- Westwood, Matthew, Time lord Christian Marclay is one to watch at the MCA, The Australian, March 17, 2012
- White, Patrick, « The Clock » de Christian Marclay prend l’affiche au Musée des beaux-arts du Canada,, 9 février 2012
- Whyte, Murray, How Toronto Patrons Jay Smith and Laura Rapp Brought The Clock to Canada, Canadian Art, September 17, 2012
- Yue, Genevieve, Clocks for Seeing: Christian Marclay’s The Clock, Film Comment, July 19, 2012
- Zabor, Z., New York: Christian Marclay’s ‘The Clock’ at Lincoln Center through August 1, 2012, Art Observed, July 30th, 2012
- ➡ Zalewski, Daniel, The Hours – How Christian Marclay created the ultimate digital mosaic, The New Yorker, March 4, 2012
Article repris: Hoolboom, Mike, Christian Marclay’s The Clock (2012), Mike Hoolboom – movies, writing, dharma, 2012 - Zalewski, Daniel, Night Shift with “The Clock”, The New Yorker, March 13, 2012
- [Art Media Agency], Grand succès pour The Clock, Art Media Agency, 24 janvier 2013
- Bigman, Alex, Watching Christian Marclay’s ‘The Clock’ at SFMOMA, 7×7, April 10, 2013
- Bigman, Alex, The Clock and Things Iʼve Heard, Art Practical, May 4, 2013
Archivé sur - Clark, Patrick, Ringing in the New Year at MoMA With Christian Marclay’s The Clock, Observer, January 1, 2013
- Curiel, Jonathan, Christian Marclay’s ‘The Clock’ is the World’s Most Elaborate Timepiece, SF Weekly, April 17, 2013
Archivé sur - Deutsch, Ben, Review: Christian Marclay’s The Clock, Ben likes movies (and stuff), January 20, 2013
- Duggan, Bob, Is Christian Marclay’s “The Clock” Still a Modern Masterpiece If Nobody’s Seen It?, Big Think, January 3, 2013
- eins78, The ‘The Clock’ Clock – realtime metadata for Christian Marclay’s ‘The Clock’, 2013
– Reads data from “Crowdsourcing The Clock”
– Shows the data in a web interface, highlighting the most current entry
– Works according to your local timezone, thus should be correct wherever the work is screened. - [ForYourArt], Call For Artists: Clocks Clocks Clocks, ForYourArt, February 27th, 2013
Archivé sur - Fowler, Christopher, Still Watching The Clock – Observatory, The Arts,, 13th July 2013
- Freeman, Hannah, The Guardian Literary clock – add a quote, The Guardian, Wed 3 Jul 2013
- Freeman, Hannah, Literary clock – only a few minutes left to complete, The Guardian, Thu 11 Jul 2013
- Gillmor, Alison, Time to go see The Clock at the WAG, CBC Manitoba Scene, October 11, 2013
- Gillmor, Alison, It’s OK to let time pass by, Winnipeg Free Press, November 9, 2013
Archivé sur - ➡ Glassman, Marc, Christian Marclay: The Clock, Point of View Magazine – Canada’s Documentary Magazine, April 11, 2013
- jik, got the time?, The Poetry Department . . . aka The Boynton Blog, July 12, 2013
- King, Randall, An epic depiction of unreal time you can set your watch, Winnipeg Free Press, October 31, 2013
Archivé sur - Kottke, Jason, About an Hour of Christian Marclay’s The Clock,, Jun 10, 2013 [5 clips supprimés à la demande de Christian Marclay, deux clips toujours en ligne]
- Maloney, Patricia (With Matt Sussman), The Clock, Art Practical, May 4, 2013
Archivé sur - Miller, Leigh Anne, MoMA Clocks 40,000+ Visitors to Marclay Video, Art in America,, January 23, 2013
- Pollack, Maika, ‘Christian Marclay: The Clock’ at the Museum of Modern Art, Observer, January 1, 2013
- [Postinterface], The Clock, Christian Marclay – Ohio, Wexner Center for the Arts, 01.27.2013 – 07.04.2013, Postinterface Web Magazine, s.d. [2013]
- Starker, Melissa, Video installation ticks through 24 hours of movie clips related to passage of time, The Columbus Dispatch, January 27, 2013
- Stevenson, Seth, Le plein de supercuts, Slate, 6 janvier 2013
- Thackara, Tess, The Clock: A Marker for the Beginning of a New Day at SFMOMA, Open Space SFMOMA [San Francisco Museum of Modern Art], May 14, 2013
- Whyte, Murray, Christian Marclay: “The Clock,” Sept. 27 to Jan. 5, 2013, Winnipeg Art Gallery, galleries west, August 28, 2013
- Zinman, Gregory, Does Anybody Really Know What Time it Is? Christian Marclay’s The Clock, Art Papers, Vol. 37 No. 1, January/February 2013, pp. 12-15
- AFP, Mashup : quand le film-puzzle devient une œuvre, L’Express, 13 juin 2014
- Alcoz, Albert, The Clock (2010) – Christian Marclay, Visionary film, 10 de marzo de 2014 (en castillan)
- [Artistik Rezo], « The Clock » de Christian Marclay – Centre Pompidou, Artistik Rezo, 16 mai 2014
- Bausells, Marta, Literary clock: help us find quotes for the missing minutes, The Guardian, Thu 26 Jun 2014
- ➡ Beudon, Nicolas, The Clock, de Christian Marclay, L’Armurerie de Tchekhov, 20 juin 2014
Archivé sur - Borrelli, Christopher, Time is ticking at ‘The Clock’ exhibit in Minneapolis, Chicago Tribune, July 25, 2014
- [Cision], Christian Marclay : The Clock – Du 22 février au 20 avril 2014 au MAC, Cision Canada [Nouvelles fournies par le Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal], Feb 13, 2014
- Deuzèmes, Jean, Christian Marclay. The Clock, Saint-Merry – Centre Pastoral, 23 juin 2014
Archivé sur - Doyon, Frédérique, Les temps télescopés de The Clock, Le Devoir, 14 février 2014
- Duponchelle, Valérie, Christian Marclay around The Clock, Le Figaro,, 11 juillet 2014
- Gauvin, Francis, Inquiéter le temps – The Clock de Christian Marclay, Musée d’art contemporain de Montréal, du 22 février au 20 avril 2014, Spirale magazine culturel Inc., Territoires imaginaires, numéro 250, automne 2014, pp. 14–15 [sur]
- Genç, Kaya, A Turkish literary clock?, Daily Sabah, Jul 07, 2014 [à partir d’un projet d’horloge littéraire inspiré par The Clock et lancé par The Guardian en 2011]
- Hewitt, Chris, Watching ‘The Clock’: You’ll be back for seconds of this epic film, – Pioneer Press, June 12, 2014
- Meister, Boris, Designing for Christian Marclay’s The Clock, Walker Art Center – The Gradient, July 18, 2014
- [moonphase], Hypnotique ‘The Clock’ de Christian Marclay, au centre Pompidou du 17/05 au 03/07 [2014],, 16 mai 2014
- Nieuwjaer, Raphaël, Note sur le temps exposé – The Clock, en passant par la Chine, Débordements, 25 juin 2014
- [ratsdeville], Christian Marclay, « The Clock », ratsdeville – le webzine de la diversité en arts visuels | the visual arts’ diversity webzine, 14/02/2014
- Raya, Aurélie, Christian Marclay : Autant En Emporte Le Temps, Paris Match, 28 mai au 4 juin 2014
- [Slash], Christian Marclay – The Clock, 17 mai – 2 juillet 2014, Slash Paris, s. d. [2014]
- Sonnet Martine, The Clock : film qui, en plus, vous donne l’heure, L’employée aux écritures – le blog de Martine Sonnet, 9 juin 2014
- Tillotson, Kristin, Time is running out to see ‘The Clock’ at the Walker, Star Tribune, August 19, 2014
- [Voir], The Clock au MAC : les 24 heures en temps réel de Christian Marclay,, 21 février 2014
- Aspden, Peter, The art of Christian Marclay at London’s White Cube, Financial Times, January 23, 2015
- Beyer, Theresa, Der Sample-Dompteur Christian Marclay, norient, May 06, 2015, Last updated on October 26, 2020 [en allemand]
- Coelho, Sara Otto, “The Clock” vai deixar o Museu Berardo aberto durante 24 horas, Observador, 04 mar. 2015 (en portugais)
- Friedrich, Jim, Tick Tock: Thoughts for New Year’s Eve, The religious imagineer – Where the fire and the rose are one, December 31, 2015 [méditation théologique]
- MMC1234, Vivre le temps : The Clock par Christian Marclay,, 8 juillet 2015
- [Público], 25 anos, como 24 horas, é sempre muito tempo…, Público, 27 de Fevereiro de 2015 (en portugais)
- Rohrer, Jason, Los Angeles Art Exhibit Review: THE CLOCK (Christian Marclay at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art), Stage and Cinema, August 18, 2015
- Ruiz, Cristina, You can never have too much of a good thing, The Art Newspaper, 1 July 2015
- Seidman, Robert, Picturing Time, Art in America, May 2015
- Taylor-Grey, Aaron, Christian Marclay, The Clock (2010), Aaron Taylor-Grey Study Journal, March 31, 2015
- d’Addario, John, Minding “The Clock”: Christian Marclay at the Contemporary Arts Center, Pelican Bomb, November 18, 2016
- Baker, Kenneth, A parody of data mining: Kenneth Baker on Christian Marclay at Fraenkel Gallery: Six new works by the artist capture the refuse of daily life, The Art Newspaper, May 7, 2016
- Collins, Billy and Marclay, Christian, A Picture and a Poem – An Artist and a Poet Explore the Passage of Time, The New York Times Style Magazine, May 16, 2016
- Desmarais, Charles, SFMOMA to honor ‘The Clock’ artist Christian Marclay, SF GATE, July 13, 2016, updated July 14, 2016
- Felicetti, Kristen, Three Clocks (Fiction), Elizabeth Ellen’s Hobart, May 19, 2016
- Gervais, Bertrand, Archiver le présent : le quotidien et ses tentatives d’épuisement, Sens Public, 2016/07/21
- Klein, Andrew, Everlasting Light [a web-based, found-poetry project inspired by Marclay’s The Clock], Andrew Klein on Baker Artist Portfolios, s. d. [c. 2016]
- Leitão, Maria José, The Clock, exposição temporária no Museu Coleção Berardo, PS [Partido Socialista], 27/03/2015 (en portugais)
- Mack, Diane, Inside The Arts: ‘The Clock’ Screens In NOLA, Clark’s ‘Tour Detour’ Debuts At Ashé, FORESTival 2016, WWNO – New Orleans Public Radio, November 9, 2016 (podcast)
- Martin, Richard, Duration Without Breaks: Marclay and McQueen Against the Clock, Alluvium, January 5, 2016 [, site HS depuis octobre 2022]
Archivé sur - Pierson, Mickaël, Le format de la séance appliqué à l’exposition de l’image en mouvement, exPosition – Revue d’analyse des enjeux propres à l’exposition des œuvres et objets d’art, 1 juin 2016
- Scott, Andrea K., Christian Marclay’s Sidewalk Animations, The New Yorker, May 4, 2016
- Wirt, John, 24-hour video ‘The Clock’ samples a century worth of film: ‘You can watch it for 10 minutes. You can watch it for 10 hours, The New Orleans Advocate, November 9, 2016
- D’Arcy, David, Before ‘The Clock,’ Telephones Were Christian Marclay’s Muse, Observer, September 12, 2017
- Bingjie Zhai (Lee), The Clock (2010): A 24-hour Video In a Museum Context, Moving Images, Multiple screens – A Blog for the Contemporary Issues in Moving Image and Screen Studies module, University of Westminster, March 28, 2017
- [Blouin Artinfo], ‘The Clock’ by Christian Marclay at Tate Modern London, Blouin Artinfo, September 25, 2017
Référence archivée sur - [e-flux], Christian Marclay – The Clock, June 1–September 3, 2017, Copenhagen Contemporary, e-flux Announcements, s. d. [2017]
- Helfet, Gabriela, Christian Marclay’s 24-hour audio-visual installation ‘TheClock’ to screen at Tate Modern, The Vinyl Factory, September 20, 2017
- [idoart], Christian Marclay “The Clock”, Wednesday, May 31, 2017 17:00, Sunday, September 3, 2017 17:00, Copenhagen Contemporary,, s. d. [2017]
- [Itsliquid], Copenhagen Contemporary: Christian Marclay, Itsliquid, August 24, 2017
- [LiveAuctioneers], Christian Marclay’s ‘The Clock’ headed to Tate Modern in 2018, LiveAuctioneers, September 18, 2017
- Noah, Sherna, Tate Modern to open its doors for 24-hour screenings of The Clock, Independent [Ireland], September 18, 2017
- Sherwin, Adam, Tate Modern to open round The Clock for 24-hour video ‘masterpiece’, iNews, September 18, 2017
- Alex, The Addictive Tick of The Clock,, Sep 22, 2018
- [artlyst], Christian Marclay: Legendary Video Installation The Clock Screened At Tate,, June 11, 2018
- [artmap], Christian Marclay – The Clock – 14 Sep 2018 – 20 Jan 2019, artmap, s. d. [2018]
- [ArtRabbit], Christian Marclay. The Clock, 14 Sep 2018 – 20 Jan 2019, ArtRabbit, s. d. [2018]
- Baines, Josh, Christian Marclay’s cult-classic The Clock gets Tate Collective screening, It’s Nice That, 20 September 2018
- Barnes, Freire, Make Time for Christian Marclay’s ‘The Clock’ at Tate Modern, The culture trip, November 2, 2018
- Bell, Elise, The cult 24-hour-long film that was almost impossible to make, Dazed, 14th September 2018
- Brooks, Andrew J., ‘The Clock’ – Christian Marclay, Tate Modern,, October 28, 2018
- Butler, Alex, Spend 24 hours watching a hypnotic video installation at London’s Tate Modern, Lonely Planet, September 10, 2018
- ➡ Coburn, Georgina, Christian Marclay: The Clock, georginacoburnarts – Arts Writing, Commentary and Criticism, December 13, 2018
- Davis, Barry, ‘The Clock’ 24-Hour Video Installation Takes On the Tel Aviv Museum of Art, The Jerusalem Post, April 23, 2018
- Elsaesser, Thomas, The Loop of Belatedness: Cinema After Film in the Contemporary Art Gallery, Senses of Cinema, March 2018
- Gilbey, Ryan, Around The Clock – One man’s attempt to catch every second of Christian Marclay’s astonishing 24-hour film installation, The Clock, The New Statesman, December 5, 2018
- Haque, Ari, Doing time: what I learned from 24 hours watching The Clock, The Guardian, November 29, 2018
- Harvey, Chris, Christian Marclay’s The Clock: the story behind an art world viral video sensation, The Telegraph, 26 August 2018
- [infernolaredaction], Christian Marclay, « The Clock », Tate Modern, Inferno Magazine, 15 septembre 2018
- Jacques, Juliet, About Time: Christian Marclay’s ‘The Clock’ Receives Its Tate Modern Premiere, Frieze Magazine, September 11, 2018
Archivé sur - ➡ Jones, Jonathan, The Clock review – ‘The longer you watch it, the more addictive it becomes’, The Guardian, Tue 11 Sep 2018
- ➡ Kam, Bryan, The Clock, Part 1 : Introduction, Writing, Thinking, October 17, 2018 (et sur medium)
The Clock, Part 2 : Matinée, Writing, Thinking, November 3, 2018 (et sur medium)
The Clock, Part 3: Graveyard Shift, Writing, Thinking, November 19, 2018 (et sur medium)
The Clock, Part 4: Interstice, Writing, Thinking, December 3, 2018 (et sur medium)
The Clock, Part 5: Sunrise, Writing, Thinking, January 11, 2019
The Clock, Part 6: Dusk, Writing, Thinking, February 12, 2019 - Lawless, Jill, Tate Modern makes time for 24-hour film ‘The Clock’, AP News, September 11, 2018
Repris sur :
LiveAuctioneers, September 11, 2018
The Daily Star Lebanon, September 13th, 2018
Archivé sur - Luke, Ben, Christian Marclay – The Clock review: The timepiece that’s a masterpiece, Evening Standard, 17 September 2018
- Neutze, Ben, Christian Marclay: The Clock, Time Out, Melbourne, Tuesday 13 November 2018
- Peacock, Francesca, Deconstructing Time: Christian Marclay’s The Clock at the Tate Modern,, September 21, 2018
- Rogers, Sam [traduit par Lise Leroy], L’exposition à voir à Londres : “The Clock” à la Tate Modern,, 11 septembre 2018
- [Sabzian], Christian Marclay’s The Clock at Tate Modern,, 13.09.2018
- Sooke, Alastair, The Clock: why everyone should make time to see Christian Marclay’s epic work, Critic at large, The Telegraph, September 13, 2018
- Stratford, Oli, Why The Clock At Tate Modern Is A Must-See, Mr Porter, 11 October 2018
- Takac, Balasz [Vladimir Bjelicic], Enjoy Christian Marclay’s The Clock For Free at Tate Modern,, September 26, 2018
- Tanni, Valentina, The Clock di Christian Marclay per la prima volta alla Tate Modern di Londra, Artribune, 6 Settembre 2018 (en italien)
- Toriello, Alfredo, The Clock: Il film di 24 ore che segna sempre l’ora giusta,, 14 Ottobre 2018 (en italien)
- Vitale, Eleonora, The Clock: la meravigliosa opera di Christian Marclay a Londra, Eroica Fenice, 2 Novembre 2018 (en italien)
- Ward, Sarah, Christian Marclay: The Clock, Concrete Playground [digital city guide, Australia], November 13, 2018
- [White Cube], Beyond White Cube: Clara Kim and Fiontán Moran on Christian Marclay’s ‘The Clock’, White Cube, Sep 20, 2018 (vidéo)
- Williams, Holly, 24 Hours Inside the Christian Marclay Installation ‘The Clock’, The New York Times, October 9, 2018
- ➡ Arroyo, José (of First Impressions) and Glass, Michael (of Writing About Film), The Clock, Eavesdropping at the Movies, January 17, 2019 [podcast]
- [Art Almanac], Christian Marclay’s The Clock, Art Almanac [Australia], 23 January 2019
- Bolger, Thomas, The Clock – Christian Marclay’s cinematic meditation on temporality and mortality continues to entrance audiences at Tate Modern, Port Magazine, January 3, 2019
- [Broadsheet], The Clock at ACMI [Melbourne], Wed 23rd January, 2019 – Mon 11th March, 2019, Broadsheet, s.d. [2019]
- Buckmaster, Luke, The Clock comes to Melbourne: what the 24-hour concept film can do to your brain, The Guardian, February 4, 2019
- Bunbury, Stephanie, Christian Marclay’s The Clock: 10,000 images covering the 1440 minutes in a day, The Sydney Morning Herald, January 18, 2019
- Butler, Rex, Christian Marclay: The Clock, MeMO Review, March 10, 2019
- Carroll, Jim, About Time, Jim Carroll’s Blog, January 10, 2019
- Charity, Tom, The Clock – Time After Time, Montecristo Magazine, s. d. [The Clock plays at The Polygon Gallery until September 15] [2019]
- Courtin-Wilson, Amiel, Christian Marclay’s The Clock, The Saturday Paper [Australia], February 2-8, 2019
- Cowie, Tom, Watching The Clock: Christian Marclay’s 25-hour film hits Melbourne, The Age, February 8, 2019
- [The Editors of ARTNews], The Most Important Artworks of the 2010s [#7, Christian Marclay, The Clock, 2010, by Andy Battaglia],, November 28, 2019
- Eisen, Erica X, Under the Eye of the Clock, The White Review, January 2019
- [Filmink], Christian Marlay’s The Clock comes to ACMI in 2019!, Filmink, s.d. [2019]
- Franklin, Euan, Christian Marclay: The Clock – Exhibition at Tate Modern, CultureWhisper, January 18, 2019
- Hadley, Anna, Review: Christian Marclay – The Clock, Norman Rea Gallery Blog, February 6, 2019
- Hubbard, Sue, Christian Marclay at Tate Modern – Review, The London Magazine, s.d. [2019]
- Isbel, Paul, Review: Christian Marclay: The Clock, ACMI, Visual ArtsHub, January 22, 2019
- ➡ Kaiser, Kirk, Recreating “The Clock” with Machine Learning and Web Scraping, Make Art with Python, January 01, 2019
Part 2: Building Machine Learning Services in Kubernetes, Make Art with Python, March 14, 2019
Voir aussi sur YouTube, PyGotham, 2019 New York City’s annual Python conference
Diapositives sur Slideshare, 5 octobre 2019 - ➡ Levin, Itay, Christian Marclay’s video installation The Clock as a training model for Artificial Intelligence,, December 1, 2019
- Marzullo, Sara, Arte, orologi e Snapchat, Il Tascabile, 14.11.2019 (en italien)
- McLean, Paul, Post-Storage [Part 3], Art for Humans,, April 4, 2019
- Medica, Kayla, The Clock – Reflections on Christian Marclay’s video masterpiece,, February 19, 2019
- Naufal, Sophie, Marclay’s ‘The Clock’ mesmerises audiences at the Tate but what does this hypnotic piece tell us about our relationship to Clock-time?,, December 12th 2019
- [Public Delivery], Christian Marclay’s masterpiece The Clock – Edited over three years, Public Delivery [a not-for-profit arts organization established in 2011 in Seoul, South Korea], August 10, 2019
- Rousselot, Fabrice, Marclay’s Clock: 24-hour installation highlights a modern obsession with time, The Conversation, April 11, 2019
- Stubbins, Sinead, A Guide to Surviving The Clock at ACMI, Broadsheet, February 11, 2019
- Swan, Chris, Christian Marclay’s ‘The Clock’ is a Mesmerising Piece of Film, Beat [Australia], February 1, 2019
Archivé sur - Velousis, Petros, Let’s watch the… Clock!,, May 13, 2019
- Bassan, Raphaël, Détournements, tabula rasa et art contemporain, Collectif Jeune Cinéma, Centre de Documentation, 2020
- Beauvallet, Ève, Le remix vidéo, pratique de longue date, Libération, 25 mai 2020
- Samantha Carpenter, New York Times – Magazine Layout, a magazine layout for a fictitious New York Times magazine story about Christian Marclay’s The Clock,, [s. d.] c. 2020
- Celeux-Lanval, Maïlys, « The Clock » de Christian Marclay ou l’insoutenable vertige du temps,, 26 novembre 2020, mis à jour le 21 mars 2023
- Ives, Lucy, The exhibitions that defined the 2000S – Christian Marclay’s The Clock, ARTnews, December 8, 2020
- Lester, Paul, The Calendar, 2020 [Inspired by Marclay’s effort, The Calendar is a two-hour film composed of clips from movies, television programs, and YouTube videos in which characters, participants, textual overlays, or dated objects reveal each day and month for an entire year.] [vidéo]
- O’Donnell, Liam, Tick Of The Clock: A 24-Hour Supercut Of Time Displayed In Film And TV, Watchonista, April 3, 2020
- Roveda, Davide, 5 Film che durano più di 5 ore, per una quarantena infinita,, 15 Aprile 2020 (en italien)
- Artesplorando, Christian Marclay – The Clock – storia dell’arte in pillole, vidéo sur Youtube (en italien), July 11, 2021
- Assouline, Pierre, Quelle heure est-il ?, La République des livres, 24 octobre 2021
et sous le titre Quelle heure est-il là-bas ?, L’Histoire, mensuel N°488, daté octobre 2021 - Bodoni-Dombi, Tünde, The Origins of Recycled Films: Archive Film Art Found Footage Created through PostProduction Strategies, Papers in Arts and Humanities (PArtsHum), Vol. 1 No. 1 (2021): Beginnings, May 2021
- Cardona, Jose, Author Clok by Mechanical Design Labs, [s.d.], c. 2021
- Dumont, Étienne, Projeté dans les ruines du Plaza, “The Clock” reste avant tout un événement médiatique,, 26 juin 2021
- Duponchelle, Valérie, Christian Marclay: l’art du temps qui passe, Le Figaro, 10 août 2021, mis à jour le 11 août 2021
- El Beblawi, Nadia, Christian Marclay — Le passage hypnotique du temps,, Kunstbulletin 7-8/2021
- Garait-Leavenworth, Nicolas, « The Clock », l’art de faire déborder le son,, 24 juin 2021
- Gobbo, Stéphane, «The Clock», la vidéo culte de Christian Marclay, sera montrée à Genève,, 25 mai 2021
- Gobbo, Stéphane, « The Clock », le cinéma en temps réel,, 26 juin 2021
- Gombeaud, Adrien, Autour de l’exposition « The Clock » à Genève, Les Échos, 21 juillet 2021
- Kinsella, Ana, How Christian Marclay’s The Clock Reset My Relationship with Time,, June 29, 2021
- Languin, Irène, Le Plaza se met à l’heure de « The Clock », La Tribune de Genève, 23.06.2021
- Magnol, Jacques, Succès mondial depuis 2010, The Clock arrive finalement à Genève, GenèveActive – magazine culturel de la métropole lémanique, jeudi 17 juin 2021
- Robson, Duncan, Hours Played: The First Hour, Kickstarter, 2021 [1 hour of a planned 24 hour supercut of clocks from video games in sync with the actual time. Inspired by Christian Marclay’s The Clock]
- Josh Rubin, Author Clock’s Whimsical Design Interweaves Time + Literature, Cool Hunting, 12 October 2021
- Sidi Ali, Mina, The Clock : 24 heures chrono [Le Plaza, Genève, du 25 juin au 18 juillet 2021], Go Out!, s. d. [2021]
- Stanley, Douglas Edric, Inside Inside, May 2021
- Sundeep, The clock – Christian Marclay, Artist Blog, April 20, 2021
- Garcia, Fernando, El Reloj de Christian Marclay, El ojo del Arte, 12 Diciembre 2022 (en castillan)
- Nardin, Patrick, Détours archaïques du cinéma, Sens Public, Publié le 05-01-2022
- Walker, Genevieve, This Brainy Online ‘Literary Clock’ Is Driven By Jack Kerouac, Virginia Woolf, and Haruki Murakami – Open-source software + 1,440 literary quotes = a clock, and a plot, Hodinkee, January 03, 2022
Articles académiques
- ➡ Andersen, Thom, Random Notes on a Projection of The Clock by Christian Marclay at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art, Cinema Scope, Issue 48, 2011, pp. 11–13
Repris dans : Slow Writing: Thom Andersen on Cinema, Edited by Mark Webber, The Visible Press, September 2017 - Bonometti, MariaLuisa & Zinelli, Anna, La manipolazione onnipotente del tempo: The Clock di Christian Marclay, Studi di estetica, n° 44, 2011, p. 101 sq. [en italien]
- Fargier, Jean-Paul, La tentation du dernier film, in Trafic 77, Éditions P.O.L, mars 2011, p. 5 sq.
- Jouvenet, Morgan & Rolle, Christiane, Des temporalités à l’œuvre dans les mondes de l’art, Temporalités [En ligne], 14 – 2011, mis en ligne le 12 décembre 2011
- ➡ Krauss, Rosalind E., Clock Time, October #136, Spring 2011, pp. 213–217
Repris dans Time – Documents of Contemporary Art, Amelia Groom (ed.), Whitechapel Gallery (London), The MIT Press (Cambridge, Massachusetts), 2013, pp. 143-145 - Romney, Jonathan, The Clock: What time is it where?, Sight & Sound. 20 (5): 30–1, May 11, 2011
Archivé sur l’ancien site de BFI (The British Film Institute) - Stevens, Rachel, Cinematic time Replayed, Millennium Film Journal, No. 54, 2011
- Viegener, Matias, Review – Christian Marclay: The Clock, X-Tra, Fall 2011, volume 14, number 1,
- Bowen, Peter, Christian Marclay’s The Clock, Filmmaker Magazine, July 12, 2012
- Clements, Jo, Time out: An exploration of the possibilities for archived time-based media as a tool for exploration within a fine art practice-based research enquiry, Journal of Media Practice, September 2012, Vol. 13, Issue 3, pp. 239-253
- Delgado, Jérôme, The Clock – Du cinéma en temps réel, Séquences – La revue de cinéma, nº 278, Mai-Juin 2012, p. 8-9 [en ligne le 25 février 2014]
- ➡ Portigal, Steve, Content, the once and future king, ACM Interactions, Volume 19, Issue 6, November & December 2012, pp. 10–11 [reproduit sur le site de l’auteur, format PDF]
- ➡ Potempski, Jacob, The Cinema and Real Time, Kinema: A Journal for Film and Audiovisual Media, April 2012
- ➡ Potempski, Jacob, Christian Marclay’s The Clock: the cinema and real-time, CineAction, vol. 87, spring 2012, pp. 10+. Gale Literature Resource Center
- Schefer, Olivier, Christian Marclay, The Clock : 24h (syn) chrono, Les Cahiers du Musée National d’Art Moderne, Paris : Centre Pompidou, 2012, n° 120, été 2012, pp. 92-117
- Wong, Tim, Minutes from ‘The Clock’, The Lumière Reader, May 16, 2012
Archivé sur
- ➡ Daley, Chris, Thoughts on Time After Viewing Christian Marclay’s “The Clock”, The Collagist, Issue Fifty, September 2013
Repris dans : Kitchen, Judith (Editor) & Lenney, Dinah (Editor), Brief Encounters: A Collection of Contemporary Nonfiction, W. W. Norton & Company, 2015 - ➡ Framework – The Journal of Cinema and Media, Vol. 54, No. 2, Fall 2013
(sur et sur Russell, Catherine, Dossier – Cinema as Timepiece: Critical Perspectives on The Clock – Introduction, op. cit., pp. 163-176
- Balsom, Erika, Around the Clock: Museum and Market, op. cit., pp. 177-191
- Beugnet, Martine, Firing at the Clocks – Cinema, Sampling, and the Cultural Logic of the Late Capitalist Artwork, op. cit., pp. 192-207
- Horwatt, Eli, On the Clock and Christian Marclay’s Instrumental Logic of Appropriation, op. cit., pp. 208-225
- Fowler, Catherine, The Clock – Gesture and Cinematic Replaying, op. cit., pp. 226-242
- Russell, Catherine, Archival Cinephilia in The Clock, op. cit., pp. 243-258
- Plotz, John, Serial Pleasures: The Influence of Television on the Victorian Novel [section Clock Time], RaVoN [Romanticism and Victorianism on the Net], Numéro 63, april 2013, Television for Victorianists
- Smith, Terry, Time and the Composition: Creativity in Modern and Contemporary Works of Art, in Thomas, Kerry (editor) and Chan, Janet (editor), Handbook of Research on Creativity, Edward Elgar Publishing, 2013
- ➡ Bellour, Raymond, Démonter/remonter le cinéma, Intermédialités – Histoire et théorie des arts, des lettres et des techniques / Intermediality – History and Theory of the Arts, Literature and Technologies, Number 23, Spring 2014, remixer / remixing
- Blümlinger, Christa, L’attrait de plans retrouvés, Cinémas – Revue d’études cinématographiques, Volume 24, numéro 2-3, printemps 2014, Attrait de l’archive, p. 69–96
- ➡ Bouman, Margot, On Sampled Time and Intermedial Space – Postproduction, Video Installation and Christian Marclay’s The Clock, Journal of Curatorial Studies, Volume 3, Number 1, February, 2014, pp. 2–25
Version en portugais (Brésil):
Bouman, Margot, Sobre o tempo sampleado e o espaço intermedial: pós-produção, vídeo-instalação e The Clock de Christian Marclay, Revista Laika, Vol. 3 No. 6 (2014): Dossiê “Found Footage II” - Daley, Chris, “What It Might Look Like to Manipulate Time”: An Interview with Chris Daley, The Collagist Blog, January 16, 2014
- Daudelin, Robert, The Clock de Christian Marclay. Le mystère du cinéma, revue 24 Images, Numéro 167, juin–juillet 2014, Les multiples visages de l’acteur, p. 45
- ➡ Elsaesser, Thomas, The Ethics of Appropriation – Found Footage between Archive and Internet, Keynote address at the Recycled Cinema Symposium DOKU, 2014 (format PDF)
Repris en abrégé:
Elsaesser, Thomas, Ethics of Appropriation, filmkrant, 27-01-2016 - ➡ Hagener, Malte, Cinephilia in the Age of the Post-Cinematographic, L’Atalante – International Film Studies Journal, Issue 18, July-December 2014 (format PDF)
[disponible aussi sur] - Hochman, Nadav, The social media image, Big Data & Society, Vol. 1, Issue 2, July-December 2014, pp. 1-15
- Hu, Tung-Hui, Appropriation / Collaboration: Christian Marclay / Harrell Fletcher & Miranda July at the University of Michigan Museum of Art, NECSUS European Journal of Media Studies, December 2014, Vol. 3; Iss. 2 (format PDF)
- ➡ Pape, Toni, Christian Marclay’s The Clock as Relational Environment, Inflexions – A journal for research creation, No. 7, Animating Biophilosophy, March 2014
- Perloff, Marjorie, Conceptual Poetry and the Question of Emotion, Literatures of Modernity Distinguished Speakers Series, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada, February 13, 2014, pp. 1-4 (conférence disponible au format PDF)
- ➡ Rebecchi, Marie, Le temps du remontage : entre cinéma et installation. The Clock de Christian Marclay, Marges, 19, octobre 2014, pp. 85-95
- ➡ Grossman, Julie, Literature, Film, and Their Hideous Progeny – Adaptation and ElasTEXTity, Palgrave Studies in Adaptation and Visual Culture, Palgrave Macmillan, First Edition 2015 [Part III, chapter 8, pp. 167-176: Time Will Tell: Adaptation Going Forward and Film at the Art Museum (Christian Marclay’s The Clock)]
- ➡ Levinson, Julie, Time and Time Again: Temporality, Narrativity, and Spectatorship in Christian Marclay’s The Clock, Cinema Journal, Volume 54, Number 3, Spring 2015, pp. 88-109
- ➡ Longo, Regina, The Digital, the Virtual, and the Possible – Riffing with Homay King on Virtual Memory – Time-Based Media Art and the Dream of Digitality, Film Quarterly, Vol. 69, Number 1, 2015, pp. 93–96
- ➡ Misek, Richard, Trespassing Hollywood: Property, Space, and the “Appropriation Film”, October #153, Summer 2015, pp. 132–148 (format PDF)
- ➡ Sampson, Benjamin, The Time Passing, Journal of Videographic Film & Moving Image Studies, 2.2, 2015
An audiovisual response to Julie Levinson, Time and Time Again: Temporality, Narrativity, and Spectatorship in Christian Marclay’s The Clock, Cinema Journal, 54.3, Spring 2015 [voir ci-dessus]
- ➡ Cultural Studies, Volume 30, Issue 4, 2016, Thinking Media and Beyond: Perspectives from German Media Theory Guest, Edited by Briankle G. Chang and Florian Sprenger, Taylor and Francis (online)
- Engell, Lorenz, The agents of time and the time of the agents: the action of timepieces in Christian Marclay’s The Clock, translated from German by Peter Kuras, op. cit., pp. 578-592
- Voss, Christiane, Affective mediality and its aesthetic transformation in Christian Marclay’s The Clock, translated from German by Peter Kuras, op. cit., pp. 593-609
- ➡ Op den Kamp, Claudy, Recycled Images: from orphan works to found footage, Art Libraries Journal, Volume 41, Issue 1, January 2016, pp. 24-31
- Op den Kamp, Claudy W., Art of Defiance: Found Footage, Legal Provenance, and the “Aesthetics of Access”, Provenance, Journal of the Society of Georgia Archivists, Volume 34, Number 1 Audiovisual Issue, October 2016
- Pierson, Mickaël, Le format de la séance appliqué à l’exposition de l’image en mouvement, exPosition – Revue d’analyse des enjeux propres à l’exposition des œuvres et objets d’art, N° 2/2016, 1 juin 2016
- ➡ Child, Abigail [Translated by François Bovier], La poétique du piratage : appropriation et processus d’expérimentation, Décadrages – Dossier cinéma de re-montage, n° 34-36, 2017, pp. 228-247
- Klingemann, Mario, Machimaginarium – A Journey into Artificial Creativity, #btconf, Düsseldorf, Germany, 15-17 May 2017
- Op den Kamp, Claudy, Circumvention and the Film Archive : Found Footage, Legal Provenance and the Aesthetics of Access, Ilinx – Berliner Beiträge zur Kulturwissenschaft, 4, 2017, pp. 81-94
- Sbrilli, Antonella, 24 Hours in Contemporary Art: Reflections on an Exhibition About Time, KronoScope, Vol. 17; Issue 2, september 2017, p. 227 (format PDF)
- ➡ Slifkin, Robert, Christian Marclay’s Real Time Fiction, in Jas Elsner (edited by), Comparativism in Art History, Studies in Art Historiography, London and New York, Routledge – Taylor and Francis, 2017, pp 165-179
- Vicario, Vincent, Mashup, film de remploi : une pratique au potentiel critique,
Première partie : de la création à l’archivage, APPIA – Carnet de l’atelier de prospection sur le patrimoine et les images animées, 13 mars 2017
Deuxième partie : archivage et montage créatif, APPIA – Carnet de l’atelier de prospection sur le patrimoine et les images animées, 15 mars 2017 - Wark, McKenzie, My Collectible Ass, e-flux, Issue #85, October 2017
- ➡ Herman, Alexander, Ticking Away: Christian Marclay’s The Clock and Copyright Law, The Institute of Art & Law, September 12, 2018
- ➡ Molina Franjola, Sandra Elisa, The Clock de Christian Marclay: en torno a los sistemas de orientación, alteración y medida del tiempo, Aisthesis Nº 64, pp. 161-178, 2018 [© Instituto de Estética – Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile] [en castillan] (disponible aussi sur
- Butler, Alison, Displacements – Reading Space and Time in Moving Image Installations, Palgrave Close Readings in Film and Television (edited by John Gibbs & Douglas Pye), Palgrave Macmilan, 2019 [pp. 60-63]
- ➡ Calleja, Jen, Life’s Too Short: On Translating Christian Marclay’s Photo-Book The Clock, in Madeleine Campbell and Ricarda Vidal (eds), Translating across Sensory and Linguistic Borders – Intersemiotic Journeys between Media, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, pp. 353-369
[sur le catalogue de l’exposition White Cube en 2010, édité par Darian Leader] - Campbell, Sian Petronella, On the Record: Time and The Self as Data in Contemporary Autofiction, M/C Journal, Vol. 22, No. 6, 2019
- ➡ Douglas, EA, Early Riser: A Perspective on Marclay’s The Clock, Femme Art Review, July 29, 2019
- ➡ Rebecchi, Marie, La pratique du remontage à l’époque du cinéma exposé Christian Marclay et Clemens von Wedemeyer, Réel-Virtuel : enjeux du numérique, #7 Images en transit : trajectoires et réarticulations, 2019
- Ross, Daniel, The clock, Arena Magazine, (Fitzroy, Vic) #159, April 2019, pp. 52–53
- ➡ Bently, Lionel, Copyright and Quotation in Film and TV, Create Working Paper 2020/8, p. 28 sq. (format PDF)
- Cameron, Allan, Face, Frame, Fragment: Refiguring Space in Found-Footage Cinema. Chapter 5 in Saether, Susanne and Bull, Synne Tollerud (editors), Screen Space Reconfigured, Series MediaMatters, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press, 2020 (open access)
- Espelie, Erin, In-Kind Disruptions – circadian rhythms and necessary jolts in eco-cinema, Angelaki – Journal of the Theoretical Humanities, 2020, Number 25, Issue 3, pp. 97-107
- Giles, Paul, ‘Reverse-Thinking’ Metahistorical Arts and Fictions, in Paul Giles (editor), The Planetary Clock – Antipodean Time and Spherical Postmodern Fictions, Oxford University Press, 2021, pp. 183–236
- Jordan, Spencer, ‘Totaled City’: The Postdigital Poetics of Ben Lerner’s 10:04, in Evans, Anne-Marie (editor) & Kramer, Kaley (editor), Time, the City, and the Literary Imagination, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021, pp 169–185
- Newman, Michael, The long and the short of it: boredom after the end of the great boredom, Chapter 10 in On Boredom – Essays in Art and Writing, Edited by Rye Dag Holmboe and Susan Morris, UCL Press [The University of Chicago Press], 2021
- ➡ Tohline, Max, A Supercut of Supercuts: Aesthetics, Histories, Databases, A video essay published at Open Screens Journal, Volume 4, Issue 1, 2021
- Bañón, María Luz Ruiz, Narrativas dislocadas en el espacio-tiempo alternativo de The Clock de Christian Marclay [Dislocated narratives in the alternative space-time of Christian Marclay’s The Clock], Human Review, Vol. 15 No. 6 (2022): Monograph: “Towards a new definition of artistic expression?”, coordinated by: Ana María Pino Rodríguez and Cristina Querol Gutiérrez, Published: 2022-12-27 (en catillan)
- ➡ Tom Huhn, The timeliness of Christian Marclay’s The Clock, Phildoc, August 3, 2022
Thèses, mémoires universitaires
- Pifferi, Pamela, Forme del tempo in “The Clock” di Christian Marclay, Università di Siena, Facoltà di lettere e filosofia, 2012 (en italien)
- ➡ Vergote, Boris, Post-Medium Liaisons – An Inquiry into Christian Marclay’s Cinematographic Oeuvre and its Relation to the Language of Cinema, Master’s Dissertation submitted to the Faculty of Arts and Philosophy, Universiteit Gent, Academic Year 2012-2013
- ➡ Dragoni, Annick, Répétitions et art vidéo – réflexions à partir d’une pratique vidéo, Thèse de doctorat Arts Plastiques et Science de l’Art, Université d’Aix-Marseille, 2013 [voir particulièrement p. 214 sq.] (format PDF)
- Millett, Joanna, Anticipated retrospection: manifesting pastness in moving image, an art practice enquiry. PhD thesis, University of the Arts London and Falmouth University, 2013 [section Cinematic Space, pp. 97-98]
- ➡ Sawford, Raef, Attention to distraction – a visual investigation of temporal experience through time-based media, Submitted in fulfilment of the requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy, University of Tasmania, April 2013 (format PDF)
- Obadia, Julie, Six expériences du temps, Mémoire – Art-espace, Direction Alain Cueff, Paris. École nationale supérieure des Arts Décoratifs, 2014
- Op den Kamp, Claudy Wilhelmina Elisabeth, The Go-Between. The Film Archive as a Mediator Between Copyright and Film Historiography, A thesis submitted to Plymouth University in partial fulfilment for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy, University of Plymouth, Faculty of Arts and Humanities, 2015, p. 176
- Sinetos, Alina Morgan, Integrating the Moving Image Into the Museum, A Master’s thesis submitted in satisfaction of the requirements for the degree Master of Arts in Moving Image Archive Studies, University of California, Los Angeles, 2015
- Brettkelly-Chalmers, Kate, Beyond the Clock: The Aesthetics of Time in Contemporary Art. Thesis, Philosophy in Art History, The University of Auckland, 2016
voir aussi le livre :
Brettkelly-Chalmers, Kate, Time, Duration and Change in Contemporary Art: Beyond the Clock, Bristol, UK ; Chicago, USA: Intellect Books, 2019 [Chapter 2: Around the Clock: 24/7 Times] - Sägesser, Saima Linnea, The Clock – Ein 24 Stunden Werk von Christian Marclay im Ausstellungsraum [The Clock – Une œuvre de 24h de Christian Marclay dans l’espace d’exposition], Eingereicht bei Prof. Dr. Peter Schneemann, 29.1.2016 [BA-Herbstsemester 2015]. Wissenschaftliche Essays [essais scientifiques], portfolio de Saima Linnea Sägesser, (format PDF) (en allemand)
- ➡ de Vos Devine, Katherine, A Dangerous Undertaking: Appropriation Art, Intellectual Property, and Fair Use Since the 1990s, Dissertation submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Department of Art, Art History & Visual Studies in the Graduate School of Duke University, 2017 [section 3.3, p. 317 sq.] (format PDF)
- Negre, Richard, Immobilité et Mouvement – négocier avec le temps, Thèse de doctorat en Arts plastiques, Université Paris 8 Vincennes – Saint Denis, UFR Arts, Philosophie, Esthétique, École doctorale Esthétique, Sciences et Technologie des Arts, juin 2019
- Abline, Adrien, Économies du compte à rebours dans les pratiques contemporaines, Thèse de doctorat en Arts plastiques et sciences de l’art, Paris 1, École doctorale Arts plastiques, esthétique et sciences de l’art (Paris), en partenariat avec Institut ACTE (Paris) (laboratoire), février 2020, Chapitre 1 – Événements et expositions, pp. 75-81
- Arambarri, Eduardo Barrera, Suddenly, all the artifacts of my past flashed before my eyes, Diploma Work, Jan Evangelista Purkyně University in Ústí nad Labem Faculty of Art and Design, 2021 [section 6.3.2 Christian Marclay – The Clock] (format PDF)
- ➡ Palmer, Oliver Matthew, Scripted performances: designing performative architectures through digital and absurd machines, A PhD thesis in Architectural Design, Bartlett School of Architecture, University College London, Based on PhD edition 1.1, November 2017, Reformatted for web January-May 2022 [chapitre 3, le projet 86400, un film présentant l’image de l’heure actuelle, au format HH:MM:SS, pour les 86 400 secondes de la journée, réalisé à partir d’images collectées sur Google Images]
- Sommer, Kent, Exploring collective future potentiality through doubling in Ben Lerner’s 10:04, Master thesis in Comparative Literature, University of Oslo, Spring 2022
- Andina, Tiziana, Filosofie dell’arte. Da Hegel a Danto, Carocci, Roma, 2012, p. 199 sq.
Traduction anglaise : Andina, Tiziana, The Philosophy of Art: The Question of Definition. From Hegel to Post-Dantian Theories, translated by Natalia Iacobelli, Bloomsbury, London – New York, 2013, p. 166 sq. - Bellour, Raymond, La querelle des dispositifs. Cinéma installations, expositions, Éditions P.O.L, 2012, pp. 81-86
- Bloemheuvel, Marente, Fossati, Giovanna and Guldemond, Jaap eds., Found Footage. Cinema Exposed, Amsterdam: Amsterdam University Press and EYE Film Institute Netherlands, 2012
- Curiger, Bice, Christian Marclay – The Clock, Jahresbericht 2012 Zürcher Kunstgesellschaft [Rapport annuel 2012 de la Société d’art de Zürich], pp. 38-39 (en allemand)
- Guertin, Carolyn, Digital Prohibition – Piracy and Authorship in New Media Art, Continuum International Publishing Group, 2012, p. 190
- Powell, Helen, Stop the Clocks! Time and Narrative in Cinema, London, New York: I.B. Tauris, 2012, p. 62
- Baron, Jaimie, The Archive Effect – Found Footage and the Audiovisual Experience of History, Routledge, 2013, p. 200
- Bertozzi, Marco, Recycled cinema. Immagini perdute, visioni ritrovate, Marsilio, 2013. Chapitre 6, Il circuito dell’arte – « The Clock » o del tempo autoriflessivo [en italien]
- Isaacs, Bruce, The Orientation of Future Cinema – Technology, Aesthetics, Spectacle, Bloomsbury Academic, 2013 [Nostalgia for a lost object: A visit to the museum, pp. 262-263]
- Le Roy, Éric, Cinémathèques et archives du film, Paris, Armand Colin, 2013, Chap. 2, 6. Les plasticiens et l’art de la ruine
- Matthews, Lydia, Against Linear Time: Icons Old, New and Evolving, in 0 to 60 : The experience of time through contemporary art, Linda Johnson Dougherty, ed., North Carolina Museum of Art / Penland School of Crafts, 2013, pp. 26-35, section ‘Fluid Clocks’
- ➡ Paulsen, Kris, The Collector (Christian Marclay’s The Clock), Catalog essay for the Wexner Center for the Art’s presentation of Christian Marclay’s The Clock, 2013
- Bruno, Giuliana, Surface – Matters of Aesthetics, Materiality, and Media, Chicago, The University of Chicago Press, 2014 [Chapter 6 Sites of Screening – Cinema, Museum, and the Art of Projection, p. 143 sq., spécialement p. 148]
- Criqui, Jean-Pierre [edited and introduced by], ON&BY Christian Marclay, The MIT Press, 2014
- ➡ Lerner, Ben, 10:04, Éditions de l’Olivier, Traduit de l’anglais (États-Unis) par Jakuta Alikavazovic, Collection Littérature étrangère, 2016 (roman, édition originale en 2014), pp. 46-48
- Lowenstein, Adam, Dreaming of Cinema – Spectatorship, Surrealism, and the Age of Digital Media, Columbia University Press, 2014 [Afterword: Marking Cinematic Time, pp. 183-190]
- Villarejo, Amy, Ethereal Queer – Television, Historicity, Desire, Durham and London, Duke University Press, 2014 [Gatz and The Clock, pp. 67-71]
- ➡ Bal, Mieke, The Time It Takes, in the catalogue “How to Construct a Time machine”, edited by Marquard Smith, 34-49. London: MK Gallery 2015
[traduit en castillan sous le titre “El tiempo que se toma”, Revista de Estudios Visuales “Contra-narrativas”, Número #0. Version originale sur le même site] - ➡ King, Homay, Virtual Memory – Time-Based Art and the Dream of Digitality, Duke University Press, 2015
[chapter 2, Christian Marclay’s Two Clocks, pp. 47-70] [réf. Bergson, Deleuze, Béla Balász] - Levy, Reynold, They Told Me Not to Take that Job – Tumult, Betrayal, Heroics, and the Transformation of Lincoln Center, PublicAffairs, 2015 [Chapter 3 Curtain Up]
- Andina, Tiziana, An Ontology for Social Reality, translated by Sarah De Sanctis, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016, p. 185 sq.
Édition originale : Andina, Tiziana, Ontologia sociale. Transgenerazionalità, potere, giustizia, Carocci editore S.p.A., Roma, 2016 - Carruthers, Lee, Doing Time: Temporality, Hermeneutics, and Contemporary Cinema, State University of New York Press, 2016
- Cohen, Brianne (editor) & Streitberger, Alexander (editor), The Photofilmic: Entangled Images in Contemporary Art and Visual Culture, Leuven University Press, 2016 [Digitality and Remodernist Recursion, pp. 31-35]
- Levin, Golan and McDonald, Kyle, Making Art / Conducting Culture Research with Large Image Datasets [index], Interactive Art and Computational Design, Spring 2016,, 15 March 2016
- Shamir, Tal S., Cinematic Philosophy, Palgrave Macmillan, 2016 [based on Tal Shamir’s PhD dissertation], pp. 190-192
- ➡ Anderson, Steve F., Technologies of Vision – The War Between Data and Images, Cambridge (Massachusetts) & London (England) The MIT Press, 2017, pp. 87-89
- Balsom, Erika, After Uniqueness: A History of Film and Video Art in Circulation, Columbia University Press, 2017, pp. 110, 130, 176
- Bown, Oliver, Beyond the Creative Species – Making Machines That Make Art and Music, Cambridge (Massachusetts) & London (England) The MIT Press, 2017, p. 238
- Eagleman, David & Brandt, Anthony, The Runaway Species: How Human Creativity Remakes the World, Catapult, 2017 [Gat and The Clock, pp. 67-71]
- Thain, Alanna, Bodies in Suspense: Time and Affect in Cinema, University of Minnesota Press, 2017 [Chapter Four: Time Takings: Suspended Reanimations and the Pulse of Postdigital Cinema, pp. 229-270, section Time Takings, pp. 257-270]
- ➡ Op Den Kamp, Claudy, The Greatest Films Never Seen – The Film Archive and the Copyright Smokescreen, Collection Framing Film, Eye Filmmuseum – Amsterdam University Press, 2018 [section Noninstitutional reuse, p. 122 sq] (format PDF)
- ➡ Russell, Catherine, Archiveology – Walter Benjamin and archival film practices, Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2018 [section Cinema As Timepiece: The Clock, p. 148 sq] (format PDF)
- Yahav, Amit S., Feeling Time: Duration, the Novel, and Eighteenth-Century Sensibility, University of Pennsylvania Press, 2018 [Coda – The End of Human Time?, pp. 148-152]
- Alcoz, Albert, Radicales libres – 50 películas esenciales del cine experimental, Editorial UOC (Barcelona), 2019, pp. 217-220 [The Clock] (en castillan)
Sur (format PDF) - ➡ Brettkelly-Chalmers, Kate, Time, Duration and Change in Contemporary Art: Beyond the Clock, Bristol, UK ; Chicago, USA: Intellect Books, 2019 [Chapter 2: Around the Clock: 24/7 Times]
voir aussi la thèse : Brettkelly-Chalmers, Kate, Beyond the Clock: The Aesthetics of Time in Contemporary Art. Thesis, Philosophy in Art History, The University of Auckland, 2016 - ➡ Charleson, Diane, Filmmaking as Research – Screening Memories, Palgrave Macmillan, 2019, [Chapter Remixed Memories, pp. 109-133 ; particulièrement la section Remixing and appropriations, p. 115 sq.]
- Munoz-Molina, Antonio, Un promeneur solitaire dans la foule, Éditions du Seuil, 2020 [I. Bureau des instants perdus, section There’s Never Been a Better Time to Tell Your Story]
- Durcan, Sarah, Memory and Intermediality in Artists’ Moving Image, Palgrave Macmillan, 2021 [Chapter Database Narrative, pp. 85-118]
- Holdsworth, Clare, The Social Life of Busyness, Emerald Publishing Limited, 2021 [Chapter 3 – Clock Time, pp. 29-64]
- ➡ Pett, Emma, Experiencing Cinema – Participatory Film Cultures, Immersive Media and the Experience Economy, Bloomsbury Academic, 2021, Chapter 3: Live installation art and participatory cultures, pp. 86-110
- Gunning, Tom, A Machine for Killing Time, Chapter 1 in Kyle Stevens (editor), The Oxford Handbook of Film Theory, Oxford Handbooks Series, Oxford University Press, 2022
- Walsh, Michael, Durational Cinema – A Short History of Long Films, Palgrave Macmillan, 2022, pp. 7, 15, 44, 193, 265
- Verhagen, Marcus, Viewing Velocities: Time in Contemporary Art, Verso Books, June 2023
Entretiens avec Christian Marclay
- de Botton, Alain, Christian Marclay – The Clock, Christian Marclay interview by Alain De Botton, The BBC 2, Culture Show, November 11, 2010 (chris3791 vidéo on YouTube)
- Dowd, Vincent, Watching The Clock, minute by minute [interview with Christian Marclay], BBC online, November 4, 2010
- Maerkle, Andrew, Christian Marclay: The Clock [interview with Christian Marclay], ART iT Asia, December 24, 2010
- Thornton, Sarah, Slave to the rhythm: Christian Marclay on deadline, The Economist, August 25, 2010
Archivé sur
Version augmentée dans l’ouvrage : Thornton, Sarah, 33 Artists in 3 Acts, New York, London, W. W. Norton & Company, 2014 [Act III – Craft, Scene 4, Christian Marclay, pp. 196-20]
Trad. fr. par Maxime Boidy et Mélanie Fraisse : Thornton, Sarah, 33 artistes en 3 actes, Les Presses du réel, 2021
- BiennaleChannel, Art Biennale 2011 – Christian Marclay (interview), June 2011 [vidéo]
- Laster, Paul, Conversation: Christian Marclay, Observer, January 19, 2011
- Chardon, Elisabeth, Christian Marclay, 24 heures chrono, Le Temps, vendredi 10 août 2012
- Schweyer, Philippe, Christian Marclay around the clock, Rencontres par Philippe Schweyer, illustration : Chloé Fournier, Novo, Numéro, 21 10.2012, pp. 50-51
- Taubin, Amy, It’s about Time (2013) – Christian Marclay with Amy Taubin, in Adam Bell (editor), Charles H. Traub (editor), Vision Anew – The Lens and Screen Arts, Univerity of California Press, May 2015, p. 179 sq.
- Debailleux, Henri-François, Christian Marclay : « Je n’ai pas pensé cette œuvre comme un marathon », propos recueillis par Henri-François Debailleux, Libération, 18 juin 2014
- Clément, Éric, The Clock au Mac : 24 heures de cinéma en temps réel [et entretien avec Christian Marclay], La Presse, 22 février 2014
- ➡ Thornton, Sarah, 33 Artists in 3 Acts, New York, London, W. W. Norton & Company, 2014 [Act III – Craft, Scene 4, Christian Marclay, pp. 196-200].
Trad. fr. par Maxime Boidy et Mélanie Fraisse : Thornton, Sarah, 33 artistes en 3 actes, Les Presses du réel, 2021.
Version augmentée de l’article de Sarah Thornton, Slave to the rhythm: Christian Marclay on deadline, The Economist, August 25th, 2010.
- Lapa, Pedro, Christian Marclay. The Clock, Museu Coleção Berardo, Lisboa, Portugal, 05/03/2015 – 19/04/2015
Page 2 : Christian Marclay, press conference at Museu Coleção Berardo (4 March 2015)
- Espada, Heloisa, Entrevista com Christan Marclay, IMS Paulista [Instituto Moreira Salles, São Paulo], 15 de setembro 2017 (en portugais)
- Marclay, Christian, On Time discussing The Clock, Out of Sync – Art in Focus, June 17, 2017 [vidéo]
- Bradshaw, Peter [Interview with Christian Marclay], ‘It’s impossible!’ – Christian Marclay and the 24-hour clock made of movie clips, The Guardian, September 10, 2018
- Luke, Ben, Van Gogh in the asylum. Plus, Christian Marclay on The Clock, The Art Newspaper, September 14, 2018 [interview with Christian Marclay, vidéo]
- Luke, Ben, Christian Marclay on the physical demands of making The Clock, The Art Newspaper, September 20, 2018 [interview with Christian Marclay, vidéo]
- Morgensztern, Maïa, Rencontre avec Christian Marclay, du défilé Celine à la Tate Modern, Numéro Magazine, 2 octobre 2018
- ➡ Myers, Lynne, in conversation with christian marclay about ‘the clock’ screening at TATE modern, Designboom, November 23, 2018
- Grandjean, Emmanuel, Christian Marclay : « La musique m’a sorti de mon atelier » – Entretien avec l’artiste américano-suisse qui a été récemment exposé au Mamco, à Genève, The Art Newspaper – édition française, 19 janvier 2021
- Licht, Alan, Common Tones: Selected Interviews with Artists and Musicians 1995-2020, Blank Forms Editions, Brooklyn, 2021
- Victor & Simon, Christian Marclay nous parle du film “The Clock”, Luma Live,, 2021
- Victor & Simon, Let’s get personal avec Christian Marclay – « Et si je pouvais trouver chaque minute de 24 heures ? »,, 2021
- Voir les deux listes chronologiques des projections sur Wikipedia/EN et Wikipedia/FR ; elles ne correspondent pas exactement. [↩]
- Bellour, Raymond, Démonter/remonter le cinéma, Intermédialités – Histoire et théorie des arts, des lettres et des techniques / Intermediality – History and Theory of the Arts, Literature and Technologies, Number 23, Spring 2014, remixer / remixing. [↩]
- Il existe une bibliographie sur le travail Marclay disponible sur le site de la Paula Cooper Gallery. L’objet de celle-ci est cependant différent puisque qu’elle concerne toute la production de l’artiste depuis 1981 et omet un grand nombre d’articles sur The Clock. Notre bibliographie concerne uniquement les commentaires sur The Clock, et sur ce sujet spécifique, elle est beaucoup plus complète, et elle donne en sus de nombreux liens vers les documents référencés. [↩]
- Sur les faiblesses du montage : Nickas, Bob, Komplaint Dept. – If Christian Marclay Could Put Time in a Bottle – Quite possibly the only critical piece you’ll ever read on Christian Marclay’s ‘The Clock.’, Vice, January 26, 2012 / Zalewski, Daniel, The Hours – How Christian Marclay created the ultimate digital mosaic, The New Yorker, March 4, 2012.
Sur l’ethnocentrisme : Thornton, Sarah, 33 Artists in 3 Acts, New York, London, W. W. Norton & Company, 2014 [Act III – Craft, Scene 4, Christian Marclay, pp. 196-200 ; Trad. fr. par Maxime Boidy et Mélanie Fraisse : Thornton, Sarah, 33 artistes en 3 actes, Les Presses du réel, 2021. Version augmentée de l’article de Sarah Thornton, Slave to the rhythm: Christian Marclay on deadline, The Economist, August 25th, 2010] / Haque, Ari, Doing time: what I learned from 24 hours watching The Clock, The Guardian, November 29, 2018 / Arroyo, José (of First Impressions) and Glass, Michael (of Writing About Film), The Clock, Eavesdropping at the Movies, January 17, 2019 [podcast].
Sur les stéréotypes de genre : Douglas, EA, Early Riser: A Perspective on Marclay’s The Clock, Femme Art Review, July 29, 2019. [↩] - Celui de l’artiste et critique Paul McLean : “Une pièce de qualité, cependant, peut ajouter agréablement à l’expérience de l’art, comme une cheminée, ou un film, même super-bête comme le phénomène oubliable de Christian Marclay The Clock. Ce type a-t-il vraiment attiré toute cette attention pour avoir assemblé tous ces morceaux de films, des bribes de films que “l’artiste” n’a pas produits.” McLean, Paul, Post-Storage [Part 3], Art for Humans,, April 4, 2019. [↩]
OpenEdition vous propose de citer ce billet de la manière suivante :
Patrick Peccatte (5 mai 2023). The Clock de Christian Marclay [1/2] – treize années de commentaires et une bibliographie. Déjà Vu. Consulté le 11 février 2025 à l’adresse
Impressionnée par votre recension et gardant, près de dix ans plus tard, un fort souvenir de mes heures passées à Beaubourg en juin 2014, je me permets de vous signaler le billet “The Clock : film qui, en plus, vous donne l’heure” que j’avais consacré à l’événement sur mon blog L’employée aux écritures : au cas où vous jugeriez pertinent de l’ajouter.
Merci beaucoup. J’ai bien entendu ajouté dans ma bibliographie la référence à votre billet (que j’avais raté).